2011년 7월 13일 수요일


I.              What is a good life? Are you living a good life
      Good life is from mind and person to me. For example, when we feel free or comfortable in your mind, that moment can be your good life day. Also lots of person knows about you and they can say recommend what can be make you feel good, even they can heard whatever you have something problem. Hence, I think they are source of good life.   
       However, I am not living a good life. Even I know how I can be make good life to me. I don’t have lots of person around me and I cannot control my mind. So now I just try to be a good life.

II.             Do you agree with Plato's criticism of art? (Incorporate his concept of social justice, mimesis, etc.). Use popular forms of art that you are familiar with.
             I do not agree with Plato’s criticism of art because Mimetic art is not real his own. It is just imitative someone’s. The Aristotle is artistic presentation. He make his own.!

Like this it so funny and not normality. So I don’t agree.

2011년 7월 3일 일요일



I draw sky and tree.
Sky has lots of color so I can explain easy of label of color.
This one is what I am look in the sky every day.
Start morning up to night.
The tree is symbol of me.