2011년 8월 16일 화요일

art is stayin any where!

I choose CULTULE!
all the country has each of style art and we can find easy in their traditional  clothes.
also i saw philippine traditional clothes in international museum. 

2011년 7월 13일 수요일


I.              What is a good life? Are you living a good life
      Good life is from mind and person to me. For example, when we feel free or comfortable in your mind, that moment can be your good life day. Also lots of person knows about you and they can say recommend what can be make you feel good, even they can heard whatever you have something problem. Hence, I think they are source of good life.   
       However, I am not living a good life. Even I know how I can be make good life to me. I don’t have lots of person around me and I cannot control my mind. So now I just try to be a good life.

II.             Do you agree with Plato's criticism of art? (Incorporate his concept of social justice, mimesis, etc.). Use popular forms of art that you are familiar with.
             I do not agree with Plato’s criticism of art because Mimetic art is not real his own. It is just imitative someone’s. The Aristotle is artistic presentation. He make his own.!

Like this it so funny and not normality. So I don’t agree.

2011년 7월 3일 일요일



I draw sky and tree.
Sky has lots of color so I can explain easy of label of color.
This one is what I am look in the sky every day.
Start morning up to night.
The tree is symbol of me.

2011년 6월 14일 화요일


I reported  about Imhotep.
he lived 2667 BC-2648 BC.
he was chief architect to the Egyption Pharaoh Djoser,also described as the son of ptah,chief god of Memphis, in recognition of his role as a wise councillor during c 2630 - c 2611 B.C for pharaoh's tomb,wisdom and education from Egypt.

2011년 6월 9일 목요일

Art is real the infinite space.

  "Art is a lie that makes us realize truth". 
                                                                                        - Pablo Picasso

              This is one of description art.It means they use lie for realized truth, exactly, he want to talk about truth from his drawing. Like social, culture, his mind, etc... When we saw the draw, that is sometimes awesome or grate even extensive, but the inside some of story has sad or sickness. I impressed his saying, because I can agree about his saying. Art can express different from same topic. Someone can draw funny, someone can draw sad.The other one of description is art is in thought the outdoor from Kim hongsok. He criticized Korean’s face up to reality. He want to talk about art is giving confident to say truth to anybody and understand easily what he wants to say. I accept his mind .like this someone write letter to lover because of feel shy. Art have lots of expression. That is infinite space.
                           Most of important is a clap-trap policy whatever you want to be

       Who determines whether a person is an artist? I think based on popularity  Like a famous artist. They have popularity. So they can be an artist in the world. For example, Picasso brings the rope and attaches it on the paper. And he informs that is his new one of work. Maybe it will be issue also tremendous popularity! But If I made some art things and I inform it. Anybody does not know. Also, anybody does not want to know. Why? They do not have any interesting to me. So in here, they said the artist need popular and person of fan.